Daily Reads


We went out to play

I know it's blurry, but I love this picture. 

He has done a lot of this in the last couple weeks - walking around our little condo, pushing his car and smiling proudly, his valentine balloon bobbing along. There's not much space but he has a great time. 

I've been dying to take him outside and turn him loose in the fresh air, and yesterday we had our chance. It was even better than I thought it would be.

He took off with a big grin and didn't look back.

He noticed everything. Pinecones, leaves, the wind in the trees. 
He showed it all to me, pointing with his tiny little finger.

After a little while he got tired and started to sag a little bit.
I offered him short rides on his car, and he accepted grudgingly. He seemed to think that rides on the car are for sissies, and real babies stand up and push the car.

I still can't believe how cool this kid is.
I've never had so much fun going out to play.

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