Good morning, lovelies!
I feel like I've been out of touch lately, and I don't like that.
I wanted to take a minute and thank you for reading, for commenting, and for being a part of my life here on the interwebs. I love this little space where I get to share my thoughts and inspirations and connect with such thoughtful and caring readers. So, thank you for being here! Even when I'm not showing up as frequently or responding to comments as consistently as I would like, my thoughts are here.
Life is busy right now. Michael keeps me busy (always, always busy). We're also approaching the day that we will close on our house, Lord willing. So, I have one of those running to-do lists where I cross off two items, then add four, then cross off one, then add three know what I'm talking about, I'm sure. It's all so exciting, and I'm so very thankful. But I also have this overwhelming desire to get as much done as I can before we move in. Because that little guy who keeps me busy (all.the.time.) isn't going to slow down for painting or curtain-hanging or drawer-cleaning or any of the millions of other things that have to be done when you move into a house. So I'm pouring my energy into planning ahead, wherever possible. And looking forward to more settled days right around the corner!
(By the way, that's not a picture of our house up there, but isn't it stunning?